I always find the task of decluttering clothes somewhat overwhelming. Even if I haven’t worn something in a long time, I can usually find a reason to wear it once I’m deciding to declutter it 😛However, I’m sure that there are some clothes that I either don’t like, or that don’t/won’t fit properly. While I don’t think my declutter pile will be huge this time, I know I’ll have something to say goodbye too.

I will also be going through my daughters’ closets to put away too small clothes and donate stuff they don’t wear.

Here’s a post I wrote about 7 Ways to Pare Down Your Closet that may help you today. Also, I just recently finished reading the book Simple Happy Parenting and I feel like it made me look at our clothes in a whole new way (and other household items). You may enjoy it as well! Also, the show on Netflix, Tidying Up by Marie Kondo was really inspiring and helped me to understand the book a bit more!

Do you have a lot of clothes that will be going into the donate pile?

I will be posting random progress reports throughout the week over in the Simply Frugal Facebook group and Instagram! Follow me on Instagram @simplyfrugal and use the hashtag #simplyclutterfree to get updates and see what others are up to during the challenge! 

Also, download and print the organizing calendar here.